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Can a friendship last with people of differing levels of torah observance?
People are at different levels of being Torah Observant.
Debunking Myths About Torah Observance
Small steps to become Torah observant - it took me a year and a half to become fully observant
MAGA Christian Nationalists Find Out Trump's Kids Are Jewish
I've Been Looking Into The Hebrew Roots Movement and Here's What I've Found So Far
What if Hebrew Roots is True? (A thought experiment)
Ep. 3 You Believe What?! My Friend Grills Me About Being Torah Observant (Luke Abaffy Interview)
Calling All Jews - The Truth about Zionism
Vayeitzi - Moshiach in the Drivers Seat!
Blood between the teeth 🩸 Being extra Holy on Shabbat #shorts #torah
Five tips for responding to Torah-keeping family and friends